Remi's Refresh: A Pink Pet Invasion!

Try your luck with Remi's today for your chance to win an upcoming item addition!

It's cute! It's cuddly! It's pink! For this refresh, we're adding the Mini Sakura, the fun pink pet branded with the heart blossoms from some of your favorite weapons. Not only will it nicely compliment those Teva skins, but they also give a nice healthy boost of +10 to all stats with a 7 day duration. Try for it now!

You can find the Remi's Rare Finds mini game HERE.

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August Fiesta Feature: Top Model Contest

August Fiesta Feature
Fiesta's Next Top Model (STAR Edition): Live Tour
Official thread here

Have you heard of Fiesta's Next Top Model? The proud owner, sponsor, and host of this event is the lovely Adrichiang! She started this event to show her "appreciation for Fiesta and all those people who make up the Fiesta community". We appreciate her doing all of this, too! The contest started in the forums and after seeing how elaborate and popular it was we thought it was time to show a little love back. For a while now, GM Nekopon and Adrichiang have been working together to form the ultimate community event from the forums to the amazing in-game live show!

To see the full event recap and winners CLICK HERE Leer más…

[Guía] Millenium Robo Plot

Nivel requerido 33 - 45
Numero de participantes 20
Tiempo límite : 30 Minutes
Vidas: 3

Para ganar esta Kq deveran matar a Robo o sobrevivir hasta que el tiempo se agote , es dezir que es una Kq puramente de equipo ya que para sobrevivir todos dependeran de todos para acabar la Kq.

Spawn Times:
30:00 - No hay monstruos en el mapa.
29:50 approx - 1a onda de 5 Giant Mushrooms en cada esquina, 20 total.
29:00 approx - ondas constantes , de Dark Imps , Cave Kebings , Carnival Wolves. 5 en cada esquina, 20 total de cada uno.
20:00 approx - spawns de Skeleton Archers, Skeleton Warriors, Madness Zombies, Rapid Boars. Archers, 2. Warriors, 3. Zombies, 4. Boars, 4. (en cada esquina, x4 del numero total)
18:54 - Skeleton Warriors. Estos de otros espacios
16:54 - Skeleton Knights. 3 por cada esquina.
13:34 - Madness Zombies.
12:00 approx - Madness Zombies and Skeletons.
08:53 - 4 Brave Skeletons
08:22 - 4 Cave Kebings
08:00 - Más Cave Kebings
07:45 approx - Rapid boars - 5 en cada esquina, 20 total.
07:30 approx - Skeleton warriors - 3 en cada entrada.
07:15 approx - Skeleton archers - 2 en cada entrada.
07:00 approx - Fire Vivis
06:30 approx - Millenium Robo - Thankfully, solo 1. Spawns en el centro, sobre el lado superior del cristal.
00:00 Finalizado!

Misiones KQ :
1)Defeat 2 Carnival Wolf, 2 Brave Skeletons, and 2 Dark Imps (3,700 EXP, 98 Fame, 3s 60c)
2)Defeat 2 Cave Kebing , 2 Skeleton Archer, and 2 Rapid Boars (5,800 EXP, 126 Fame, 4s 300c)
3)Defeat 3 Powerful Skeleton Warriors, 1 Dark Skeleton Knight (7,900 EXP, 138 Fame, 5s 100c)
4)Defeat Millenium Robo (89,800 EXP, 373 Fame, 15s 700c)

* 22,400 EXP
* Level 40 Enhanced Weapon/Armor
* Blessed and Lucky Tier 2 Stones
* 5 x HP Potion (Tier 2)
* X SP potions (Tier2)
* Millenium Robo Claw Earrings (1%crit/+70hp)(1%crit/+70sp)(1% crit/+1%aim/+70hp) (1% crit/+1% aim/+70sp)
* Millenium Robo Dark Earrings(very rare) (1% crit/+1%aim/+70hp/+70sp) (1% crit/+1%aim/+80hp/+80sp)

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James' Forge and The Weapons of Teva

Long ago, the Goddess Teva had fought tirelessly to defend the world of Isya from falling into chaos. Now, adorned with blossoms that symbolize the harmony and hope that she had defended, The Fiesta team is proud to announce the release of the Teva Weapon Skins!

The Teva weapon skins will be available only in James' Forge on Thursday, July 30th, at which point you can try your luck at the forge HERE.

Good luck, and represent the Goddess for Isya!

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Gold Hill Adventure [Guía kq]

Nivel requerido 20 - 32
Número de participantes 15
Tiempo límite 35 minutes
Vidas: 3

El objetivo de esta Kq es escapar del lugar para ello tendrán que descender por las diferentes secciones separadas todas ellas por una puerta de hielo. Estas puertas las tendrán que abrir mediante una llave que se encuentra en esa misma sección , la llave de la sección la encontrarán en las menas.
El tiempo en cada sección esta limitado, así que no es aconsejable distraerse matando npc.
Por ultimo cabe destacar que en la cuarta sección aparecerá un marlone igual que el de la KQ de mara pirata, se aconseja llevar un tanque para esta sección y para acabar con el jefe de la colina en la parte final. Cuando acaben con el jefe de la colina aparecerá una puerta para escapar y ganaran la partida.

Misiones KQ (obtained from shutian in eldy):
1)Defeat 5 Crazy Kebings, 5 Crazy Grave Robbers, and collect 10 Golden Bugs. bugs can be droped from any enemies in the kq if you have the quest. They can be sold in shop. (1,080 EXP, 57 Fame, 1s 330c)
2)Defeat 5 Gold Hill Bats and 5 Skeletons. (3,900 EXP, 101 Fame, 3s 150c)
3)Defeat Gold Robber Boss (27,800 EXP, 221 Fame, 7s 300c)

* 8,300 EXP
* Enhanced Weapon/Armour
* Shining Jewel Earrings (+50hp)(+50SP)(+1% Crit)
* Gold Earrings (+1% Crit/+50hp)(+1% Crit/+50sp)(+1% Crit/+50hp/+50sp)
* Elrue, Lucky Elrue, Blessed Elrue, and Lix
* Tier 2 HP and SP Potions
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Fiesta Game Updates and Patch Notes 1.254

Greetings fellow Isyans,

I'm going to make the list short and sweet for this announcement, namely because there are no major updates. In fact, we've prioritized things a bit differently to make sure we can address as many existing bugs as possible, which has kept the development and QA teams quite busy at the moment.

With that in mind, we're implementing a critical fix for this patch and another smaller one.


Grand Master Sean, whom you can find in the Forest of Mist, gives out a bugged dialogue box for the quest titled "Over the huddles to higher places". This bug prevented players from completing their level 60 class change. This has been repaired.

As you all know we're still working tirelessly to get the Iyzel tower just right, so for this week we've tweaked the experience received from some of the mobs in the tower so that their rewards are more appropriate to the level of the mob.


We're rereleasing the Summer Boop Set. You can find them in the store here.

Known Issues

Here's a list of the current issues that we're working on, which we'll hopefully address within the next few patches. We know how critical the class change quests are, so we do have those prioritized appropriately.

07.15.09 - Guard Captain Shutian in Elderine has had his dialogue bug fixed for the quests "If you wish to be stronger!" and "Road to promotion!" but both quests are viewable by Users who have completed the first class change; these Users should not be able to view these quests.

07.21.09 - If you are browsing another player's store at the same moment you are pulled to a KQ, it results in the game freezing up.

07.21.09 - The Shiny Elemental Stone, an item necessary to complete your job change, can be discarded, making it impossible to complete the job change.

07.21.09 - The Mage (Wizard) summon skills, Flame Walker and Summon, have a bug that doesn't allow them to function properly inside of a KQ.

07.21.09 - The Mage (Wizard) summon skills, Flame Walker and Summon, have a bug that doesn't allow them to display their damage dealt.

07.21.09 - The Mage (Warlock) may be missing the character image when they are selected before metamorphosis is cast from the selected character.

07.21.09 - The text within the Kingdom Quest dialogue box bleeds into the clock within the list.

07.21.09 - This fix will repair an error in the Iyzel Tower that states "Stone Golem" as opposed to "Poison Golem" within the quest dialogue.

That's all for this week! Leer más…

Hot New Swimsuits Arrive This Week

Sport a new look for the summer sun

Two new swimsuits will be hitting the Fiesta Store this week, and there's never been a better time for a new summer outfit. Keep an eye out for the Summer Love Swimsuit on July 15th and the Summer Tribal Swimsuit coming over the weekend on July 19th.

Savings to Extend Your SparkCash

Save 20% on 30 Day HP+SP Extenders

If you've been looking for a little bit more HP and SP, consider a HP+SP Extender (+50%). The 30 day version is on sale this week and you can save 20% off the usual price, extending your HP, SP, and, of course, your precious SparkCash. Leer más…

Deal of the Week: 20% OFF on Blessing of Teva (30 Days)!

Posted by : GM_Silkypico Jul 10, 2009

All day Friday, July 10th 2009, Blessing of Teva (30 Days) are on SALE at 20% OFF the regular price!!

Click the item name below to purchase.
-Blessing of Teva (30 Days)


Prevents your character from losing EXP upon death.

- Outspark Staff
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Guía de encantamiento de armas

Paso 1

Consiga la armadura que quiere mejorar y la piedra (Elrue, Lix, Xir), estas piedras puedes obtenerlas como recompensas en misiones o las puedes producir con la habilidad de producir piedras , para poder crear diferentes tipos de piedras tendrás que augmentar tu puntos de la habilidad.

Tipos de piedra para encantar:

  • Elrue : +1, +2, or +3 enhancement
  • Lix : +4, +5, or +6 enhancement
  • Xir : +7, +8, or +9 enhancement

Paso 2

Visita tu blacksmith más reciente , ya que necessitaras su ayuda para poder encantar tu arma o armadura. Una vez estas delante Clica en la opcion "Refine Item".

Paso 3

A continuación insertamos nuestra arma o armadura en la ranura central de la ventana y nuestra piedra en una de las otras 8 ranuras , por ultimo clicamos en Begin para encantar nuestra arma o armadura. Leer más…

Fiesta Game Updates and Patch Notes v1.251

Greetings Fellow Isyans!

Straega here, delivering you all the FIRST ever Outspark Insider! (the first with that title at least) Made to give you, the Fiesta Community, the scoop on what's to come in the world of Fiesta.

This week, a few things will be added into the mix after we've performed our regular server maintenance along with some nice surprises as well. In fact, many of the updates contained here were implemented from requests or recommendations made by our community. The Fiesta team will continue to focus our efforts on our user's satisfaction as much as possible.


I've got some great news for those low to mid level players who are looking for some new scenery. We're giving players the chance to redeem an enduring darkness that looms menacingly in eastern Isya. The Fiesta Team is happy to announce that we will be opening the doors to The Tower of Iyzel!

The Tower is an Instanced Dungeon that's located in The Forest of Mist with the level requirements starting at 20 and capping at 50. To enter this Instanced Dungeon you must be partied.

Inside the dark tower you'll find a total of four bosses, with the final boss residing on the 20th floor, just waiting for the next group bold enough to challenge him in an epic battle.

Further information on this instance can be found here.

We've got another surprise for you. After some balancing fixes and a few other small things here and there, we are now reopening Helga's Tomb! Test your might once again against the powerful King Helga.


Just so you all know, for your level 60 job change, you're now to go to Guard Captain Shutian in Elderine and Grand Master Sean in The Forest of Mist instead of the skill masters in Elderine.

We've got some new quests that will give our first-timers a run through in certain game features. They are as follows:

Skill Master Ruby - Battlefield!
Grandpa Robin - Holy Promise
Town Chief Roumenus - Guild Academy
Element Helper Remi - Party Matching System


In celebration of Independence Day in the US we're going to be adding a brand new 4th of July automated quest, Freedom Fighter. To begin the quest, head over to Town Chief Roumenous in Roumen where he'll ask that you collect fifty stars, which you can obtain by killing any world monster. Return the stars to the Town Chief to receive one of the following items:

Liberty House (7 Days)
Liberty Mount (7 Days)
Liberty Hat (7 Days)
Mini Uncle Sam (7 Days)

We've also added a longer duration version of these item re-releases in the store for this occasion as well. I find the floating Mini Uncle Sam rather amusing myself.

A few more GM Summer events are in the works so stay tuned for those.


We've got a treasure trove of new accessories that we'll be adding as in-game items. Nearly a hundred various different items including rings, earrings and necklaces will be included.


To those fortunate enough to hold the weapons that have been dropped by Helga, enhancement effects will now be visible on them.

Tired of clicking on that gate at just the right spot? We've made it so the prompt will now simply appear as you approach the gate. And speaking of gates, we've now added gates that will allow you to travel between The Forest of Mist and Sand Beach.

There's nothing too simple here, nor will a good idea go unheard. You can now use your arrow keys to select your server on the server select screen. After the server screen, we've implemented additional informational text to the window at the bottom of the character select screen. It will now also display your location in Isya and your class.

A friend and guild invite appointment feature has now been implemented.

Soldiers of Cypion, the leader board for the race to 1,000,000 will be going live very soon so you can check out how close you are to winning the grand prize. Remember, time is running out and the prize will start dropping soon!

You can find the leader board here.

That's all for this week's Insider. Happy 4th of July everyone! Don't be surprised if you see me running around Elderine shooting off a firework or two.

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[Outspark] Independence Day in Isya!

Originally Posted by GM_Straega
Come and help celebrate Independance Day in Isya sporting the red, white, and blue with our latest item releases! This week, we salute the Founding Fathers by making our most patriotic gear available to show off while you're questing or hanging about in Elderine. They'll all be available starting 12:00AM PDT on Tuesday, June 30th and will be on sale for 20% off.

Here's the lineup:

Liberty House (30 Days)
Make the Statue of Liberty your new home with this premium item.

Liberty Mount (30 Days)
Put down that old wooden hobby for the head-on-a-stick replica of Lady Liberty!

Liberty Hat +7% Critical (30 Days)
Nothing says The Fourth quite like this thing, along with a nice additional critical bonus of 7%.

Mini Uncle Sam (30 Days)
Uncle Sam everywhere with this new pet that gives you a +7 boost to STR, DEX, END, SPR. Leer más…

Guía Mara Pirates' Rage

Level Requirement: 17 - 25
Numero de participantes: 15
Tiempo Límite: 60 Minutes
Vidas: 3

En esta Kq lo único que tendrán que hacer es matar a Mara y Marlone , para ello tendrán que recorrerse todo el mapa hasta llegar al barco donde se encuentran los verdaderos Mara y Marlone. Por el camino se encontraran con dos mara y marlone falsos que deberán derrotar para seguir adelante y que aparezcan los verdaderos Mara y Marlone, sino no aparecerán.

Es importante cuando se tengan que enfrentar con los verdaderos Mara/Marlone tener un tank o varios en el equipo , a poder ser fighter lvl +20 ya que tienen una defensa mayor. Antes del combate es importante saber quien será el tank para que los Clerics centren sus curas en el.


La verdadera Mara tiene un símbolo azul en su sombrero y el verdadero Marlone tiene su cabeza girada hacia la izquierda.

Misiones KQ
1)Defeat 5 Mara Pirate Marines and 5 Mara Pirate Elites (390 EXP, 34 Fame, 620c)
2)Defeat 1 Legendary Marlone and 1 Charismatic Mara. it can be the real or fake ones. (2100 EXP, 125 Fame, 3Silver(s) 260c)

* 5,000 EXP
* Level 20 Enhanced Weapon/Armor
* Sign of Mara Earrings(blue) (+40hp)(+40sp)(+1% crit)
* Sign of Mara Earrings(gold) (+1% crit/+40hp)(+1% crit/+40sp)(+1% crit/+40hp/+40sp)
* Lucky Elrue (T1)
* Blessed Lix (T1)
* Hp Potion (T1) (Most common, in bunches of 3)
* SP potion (T1) Leer más…

Guía Kindgnom Quest - King Slime's Counterattack

King Slime's Counterattack

Level Requirement: 5 - 16
Numero de Participantes: 15
Tiempo Limite: 50 Minutes
Vidas: 3

Para superar este Kq tendréis que aniquilar todos los npc que se encuentran en cada piso, para poder pasar al siguiente piso tendréis que matar los npcs que se encuentren en ese piso. La dificultad irá aumentando en cuanto vayáis subiendo de piso hasta llegar al Boss.

1st piso contiene: Jumping Mushroom, Power Slime,Brave Honeying,Fire Slime, Iron Slime, Ratman.
2nd piso: Silver Slime, Warrior Boar, Gold Slime,Brave Honeying, Fire Slime, Iron Slime, Ratman.
3rd piso: Silver Slime, Gold Slime, Prince Slime
4th piso: the boss, king slime

Una vez se encuentren delante del Boss tienen que escoger un tank. Por lo general tiene que ser el que tiene más vida y más defensa , suelen ser los Fighters. El tank tendrá que mantener el agro para que solo le ataque el Boss a el y los Clerics lo curaran. Los demás atacaran al Boss pero en el momento que aparezca otros npc tendrán que acabar con ellos de inmediato para no sufrir bajas en el equipo.
Durante el combate el Boss utilizara un ataque que ara aparecer npc a su alrededor que les atacaran (3 Power slime > 3 fire slime > 3 iron slime > 2 prince + the queen slime), este es el momento de más dificultad ya que hay que acabar en cuanto antes con ellos para acabar con el Boss.

KQ quests(Se obtienen en la ciudad de roumen):
1)Defeat 5 Brave Honeyings, 2 Ratmen, and 2 Warrior Boars (302 EXP, 15 Fame, 137c)
2)Defeat 5 Iron Slimes, 5 Silver Slimes, and 5 Gold Slimes (558 EXP, 17 Fame, 197c)
3)Defeat 1 King Slime and 1 Queen Slime (9374 EXP, 34 Fame, 452c)

* 1,200 EXP
* Level 15 Enhanced Weapon(+2 - +6)
* Jelly Earrings of King Slime(+25hp)(+25sp)(+25HP/SP)
* Lucky and Blessed Elrue(1)
* Lix(1)
* HP Potion (Tier 1)(Most common reward, you get 3 potions)
* SP Potion (Tier 1)

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[Fiesta] Updates and Patch Notes v1.25

Greetings fellow Isyans! For those of you who haven't run into me in-game yet, I'm Straega, and I'll be providing you all with the weekly updates for your favorite games for now on, and since we've got some server maintenance scheduled tomorrow I thought I'd fill you in on all the details.

The maintenance will be taking place tomorrow, June 17th, at 10:00pm, pacific standard time, and will last for four hours until 2:00am. This maintenance is extended because along with some game updates we'll also be upgrading our server locations to help improve our online user experience.

I'm glad to announce that we're including a new event to this update that'll satisfy your sweet tooth! "We Want Ice Cream!" Head over to the event calendar for scheduling and more info.

We're currently planned for a possible update on an issue that some players may have been having when they've tried creating a guild, which didn't allow them to. We apologize for the inconvenience and, depending on the bug, it's likely that this patch may address that issue. On a related, albeit less joyous note, guild creation costs will be raised from 300 silver to 1 gold to address issues regarding guild creation abuse, we apologize for the the cost hike, especially to the Cypion players. We're currently working on improving our guild system so stay tuned for more guild updates in the future.

Find the challenge of Gordon's Kingdom Quest a tad less rewarding than you feel it should be? We're increasing the experience so that you'll be receiving more from it for now on. And for those of you in Gordon's who've ran into an empty treasure box, rest assured that all treasure boxes going forward will contain items.


Because it was slightly overpowered, the stats for Helga Shield will be dropped from 1496 physical protection to 573 with its magical protection dropping from 910 to 349.


We've got HUGE ice cream hats for you available in the store! Check 'em out.

Huge Vanilla Ice Cream Hat (Def & M.Def)
Huge Chocolate Ice Cream Hat (Def & M.Def)
Huge Strawberry Ice Cream Hat (Def & M.Def)


Though I know all of you loved the smell of the Isya blossoms that dropped randomly from spawned flowers, we've removed them for the game. But fear not! We've got plenty of GMs in Fiesta willing to spread the love until our next Valentine's Day event.

A manual update of this patch will be available here after maintenance is completed.

Special Summer Promotion:

A hot summer raffle begins this week. It works like this, every cumulative 10 dollars worth of SparkCash spent in the Fiesta store will create a raffle ticket under the account name of the player. The raffle starts June 17th and ends June 30th and the winners will be awarded the following prizes:

- 1st place: 24" LG Monitor + nVidia 9800GT Graphic Card

- 2nd place: 22" LG Monitor + nVidia 9600GT Graphic Card

- 3rd place: 19" LG Monitor + Logitech G5 Laser Mouse

That'll be all for this update. See you in Elderine!

On a side note, I need a name for these updates. Have any suggestions? Let me know here.
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Guía subir de nivel

Guía básica para subir de nivel.

Bien pues como indica el título esta guía va dedicada al leveling , es bien sencillo , únicamente tienes que dedicarte a las Kingdom quests de cada nivel. Para entrar en estas misiones especiales únicamente tienes que acercarte al Npc de cada ciudad dedicado a las KQ, hablar con el y inscribirte en una misión , una vez todos los huecos estén llenos empezará la partida.

Este sistema es muy eficaz ya que para completar la misión tendrás que matar a muchos npc que se interpondrán en tu camino y ara que acumules gran cantidad de xp y al finalizar la misión obtendrás un bonus de xp por completar la Kq. Leer más…

El Traje de Dragón Azul !!

¡El Traje de Dragón Azul está ahora disponible en la Tienda de Fiesta!

Esta armadura compuesta por dos piezas te permitirá aumentar la posibilidad de dar un golpe critico en 7%, para asi poder acabar más fácilmente con tus enemigos. A demás te permitirá tener una buena imagen.

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